The landscapes in Smith Rock State Park are so unique and incredible. The photos are amazing and the couple will absolutely love them. Well done.
I looooove smith rock! Such an epic place for an elopement. The photos are stunning!
Seriously so good! loved everything about this Smith Rock State Park Elopement at Asterisks Pass. They really are badasses and you captured them beautifully.
This place looks so awesome to elope. Look at those colors and Landscapes also this couple is so freaking cute!! Well captured friend!
Seriously such a cool looking couple! I haven’t been to Smith Rocks in ages and I miss it so much! Such great sport climbing in that area! Fantastic photos and thank you for sharing this elopement with us!
What a fun elopement! Smith Rock is always gorgeous, but I especially love the unique angles and locations you got!
It loos like a wonderful an adventourus elopement! you took wonderful pictures of their amazing day
Absolutely love everything about this! Beautiful photos! What a fun day and always great when the puppers can be involved! Love it! ❤️❤️
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